Friday, September 23, 2011

Fun Friday Links

What a crazy week - Emmys, Glee, real life work. Whew. So, without further ado, here are your Friday Links!

- So, Eddie Murphy is hosting the Oscars next year. Steve Martin, who I love, has some advice for him. My advice to Eddie would be to bust out the red leather suit and get all Raw on Hollywood, but somehow I don't think they'd allow that many F-bombs during the telecast.

- Here's what happens when Sesame Street does Glee. Mr Goo. Hee. Listen to what the Rachel muppet is saying at the very start as everyone else talks. So funny.

- One of the greatest things about Smart Phones and Twitter is that celebrities take them to award shows and post photos online during the event. Check out this quick slideshow of photos from Emmy night this week from various TV stars.

- Don't forget to head over to the Boredom Abounds By Julia facebook page and hit the Like button to get all the latest updates direct in your (horribly changed) Facebook newsfeed! Pin It

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